[Lost Ark Guide] Artemis Adventure Book and Mococo Seeds Guide & Tips - Complete Guide of 2019

Artemis Adventure Book

Tip #1 There is a hidden transparent wall. You can go through it.Link(video)

Tip #1 Those mococo seeds available when you kill all of monsters nearby.Link(video)
1) Song: Minuet Of the forest is available to be acquired purple quest+3 times cooperative quest in Sleeping Song's Island.

Tip #1 There is a barricade you can break.
Tip #2 There is a box object you can break after kill all of monsters til 'blue 1 round' before go down.

Tip #1 You can go through the rock.Link(video)
Tip #2 Don't use '499 years mera alcohol' right now. You have to wait 2H in real then it becomes '500 years mera alcohol'.

Tip #1 When you kill monsters nearby, available to climb up.Link(video)
1) Field boss Rudrick respawns almost every 30min in every channels. It can be also counted for Adventure Book If you wonder drop items.Link(video)

Tip #1 You can go through rock.Link(video)

Artemis food 

 Beda's Leonheart homemade mealIt can be bought at potion merchant Beda.

 Legria flower oilIt can be got at Borderlands.

 Red tree sproutIt can be got at Borderlands.

 Legria wheat breadIt can be made by giant wheat sack from Leonheart.

 High-protein Whitebird stewIt can be made by Puke lump from Loghill.

 500 years mera alcohol: You have to wait 2H in real when you get '499 years mera alcohol' from Agiloth's head.

 Potatoes with marks and Stigma: When you make max affinity on Sila NPC at Leonheart, you can get special potato then you can make this food.

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